Beginning Friday, April 13:
1. Woke up with a cold. Meh. DayQuil will fix it.
2. Got home early. Still felt crummy. Made dinner.
3. Sliced up thumb chopping onions. Band-aid. Almost had a Dan Aykroyd as Julia Child moment.
(I would put a link to that skit here if I could.)
4. Ate some but felt great need to lie down, but the Colossal (Non) Weather Blitzkrieg of 2018 was upon us.
Poppa Don (fifteen minutes before tornado watch was ending): I'll have to get you up if this tornado comes.
Me (looking out front door): ....the sun's out...
5. I go to bed. Twenty minutes later, I learn that someone somewhere has shared their stomach virus with me. Nice.
6. Spend most of Saturday in bed. Manage to make dinner again. I eat it. And am sort of okay. Then the headache appears.
7. Imitrex at 8. Another at midnight. Doesn't make a dent.
8. Sunday morning. Left eye may potentially explode. But there's Mountain Dew in the house!
9. Took 3rd Imitrex at 2:30. Ah...I'm...ok. Watching old Dark Shadows episodes. I think I'll survive.