Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Playing Catch Up

Good day, Younglings. I haven't seen some of you in person in awhile, and it appears you are all doing quite well from the current pictures I've seen on Facebook and Instagram. We're still planning on the big Christmas trip this be ready!

I confess I have fallen down on the "Blogging Just for YOU!" job. Unfortunately, it's called "Getting Through This Thing We Call Life." You will understand that one day, but hopefully we're teaching you all to rise above that, no matter how tough it may be. That can be approached two ways, I suppose:

1. You didn't blog because you were busy with school, work, raising your own family, etc.


2. You didn't blog because you were out there ENJOYING life with REAL PEOPLE and not glued to an electronic device.

I'm going to blame #2! 😃

Which is partially true. In 2015, when I started this blog, my plan was to post monthly. Well...May and June get fairly busy when Poppa Don starts working his summer shows. I did post in July, and presented my entire Dissertation Debacle Saga Parts 1 and 2, so those count as both November and December.

2016 saw five posts: One about Prince, which was a "monumental" event in my case. "The End" was about my new job, moving me from teaching to administration, and that transition alone made a HYUGE impact on my free time. September was the best time to post about meeting your Poppa Don, and October was when the fabric store finally closed.

Then we lost our favorite Princess in December. Another post about a celebrity dying. I certainly don't want this to turn into Gigi's Dead Celebrity Tribute Page.

That makes 9 posts total, which means I owe you 15 more to make up for the months I missed. Oh, there are plenty that are already in the works, but some of those may take some extra effort (scanning of old pictures!!!) or are better reserved for a particular anniversary, etc. So I have an idea....

Gigi journals a lot. She has since she learned to write basically, so there is a vast amount of existing material to draw from. I won't bother digging through the diaries of my far distant youth ("Oh, wow...Shaun Cassidy is soooo cute!!")(You may want to look him up because you will not know who he is), nor will I bore you with the many ramblings of life as Ms Mac, although those will turn up on occasion. I have found however a few entertaining items from an old thumb drive that, with a little cleaning up (ahem), will make up for the months I was remiss. Some of these were previously public, as Facebook Notes (a feature you can't even access anymore), or MySpace blog posts, which have disappeared completely from the World Wide Web.

MySpace. Is that even a thing anymore? Have you kids even heard of it??

Anyway, stayed tuned for some blasts from the past, and I will try to update them as best as I can. In the meantime, here's a picture of the second most famous cat on the Internet:

PS: This counts as one of the 15!! 14 to go!! Stay tuned!

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